Evidence of Supernatural Authorship of the Solar Eclipse Phenomenon

And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars;
and upon the earth distress of nations
Luke 21:25
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars;
and upon the earth distress of nations
Luke 21:25
There's plenty of directions to the eclipse phenomenon...mostly up!
For phone users, go to little home box icon and find out what's here.
Patterns and peculiarities abound in the phenomenon of solar eclipses. This site chronicles the solar eclipse phenomenon with due respect for its clear intent as signs from God. This evidence of divine origin is unusual, artistic and surprising. It is not easily "summed up", but clearly worthy of further study and consideration.
At this site, I use only accepted astronomical distances, eclipse paths, calculations and factual historical references. This is not astrology, just a presentation of true eclipse paths placed in historical, geographical and spiritual context.
There is a "judgment" element to solar eclipses that becomes visible on inspection of the phenomenon. We are coming up on the 2000th Anniversary of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ . ( Which occurred between 27 and 34 AD). This millennial pattern is important and deeply rooted in the Bible.
Also important to remember is that the network is the bones of the beast. Think twice before you enter nets. Print out the free pdfs of the eclipses.
Speaking of that-youtube video of my recent presentation on AI?. Click here.
No more complete solar eclipses until Feb 2027. -
total lunar eclipse March 14 ( USA in totality)
Partial solar eclipse in NE North America Mar 29 2025 ( 50% in Boston)
total lunar Sep 7 ( Jerusalem in totality)
Partial solar eclipse Sep 21 2025 Equinox extreme South ( only visible from New Zealand
Aug 12 2026 is the next total solar eclipse Spain and Iceland
There will be a Hepton total solar eclipse Aug 2 2027 Valley of the Kings and Mecca You can find info on these in a number of places on this site.
The solar cycles we are living in now are very unusual. Life is very unusual.
About the Oct 2 2024 eclipse . click here
I have no ads. I'm also not selling anything or asking for money- unless you want to buy my books (which are better than websites, because print formats are always better than screens.) .
The Eclipse Witness book is available for free printing and download --go there now by clicking on this . It's free. Please consider just printing it out to read .
My print books are Eclipse Witness: Supernatural patterns in the Cosmic Clock and Eclipse Miracle: The Sun is the Same Size as the Moon in the Sky ( a picture book for kids and adults) , available for purchase online. For descriptions click here.
This work intends to direct eyes towards the heavens for the series of eclipses we are currently experiencing. There is a lot going on right now. These eclipses are clearly the work and art of God, who seeks a personal relationship with all people. I pray that consideration of this phenomenon brings you closer to his peace.
Click on underlined subjects below to go straight to your interest, or go up to headers at top of page and look around the site:
Looking for info about USA April 8 eclipse? 24 peculiarities about 2024 eclipse in 12 minutes ( youtube)
Eclipse Witness in Full: The entire contents of the book Eclipse Witness: Supernatural Patterns in the Cosmic Clock, in easily viewable format, with option for free pdf download. Three years in the making, 435 pages worth of all original maps, history, science and observations free to planet earth. Proof of an artistic Creator God and His supernatural authorship of solar eclipses. Here you will find the full work in one place.
Eclipse Miracle: Summary of Scientific Nature and attributes of Eclipses.
American Eclipses 2017 , 2023 and 2024---Three eclipses in Seven years.
The Eclipse Judgment Series 2015 to 2034 Metonic cycle --an overview with original maps
World Crosses 993 AD to 2038-- original maps help the reader to see the amazing reality of total eclipse crosses. Are they rare? Are they omens?
The Jesus Timeline Eclipses--An overview of eclipses occurring around the 2,000th anniversary of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ between 2027 and 2034
History and Maps of all American Eclipses since 1492
Hepton Cycle---1900 to 2037--First known modern chronicling of the Hepton Series
Here's links to five intro videos:
Two minute (youtube) video about 2017 to 2024 American Aleph and Tav Eclipses
16 minute video ( youtube) about Jonah, Nineveh and USA eclipses
24 peculiarities about 2024 eclipse in 12 minutes ( youtube)
One hour twenty minute Eclipse Witness movie
Are world total eclipse crosses unusual? A 16 minute video:
Here's more important maps and information:
The Great Mideast Tav/ Valley of the Kings 2027 and 2034 Total eclipses
Spain/Spanish Empire 2027 to 2028---3 eclipses in 18 months in Spain ( coming soon)
is the sun really the same size as the moon in the sky? and other oddities.
Australia Judgment Eclipse Swarm 2023 to 2037 ( coming soon)
70 Greatest Eclipse Peculiarities
Kennedy/Lincoln Eclipses a study in eclipse peculiarity .
Survey of Peculiar Eclipses 1900 to1948
Survey of Peculiar Eclipses 1948 to 1978
Survey of Peculiar Eclipses 1979 to 2014
Saros Cycle Characters--There are about 26 main characters in the eclipse story. Meet them!
The Metonic Cycle--Every 19 years, 3 completely unrelated cosmic calendars align. First modern look at historical peculiarities in the Metonic Cycle..
This website is for educational purposes. I hope that it is useful to people with many interests, whether scientific, historical or spiritual. It contains no requests for money. It contains no astrology. It is written with the hope of sharing reverence and awe for the work of God, who created the Eclipse Phenomenon.
Pictured above: the paths of the Hepton Monday Total Tavs 2017 to 2034. Apex of Little Egypt in the USA and SEgypt and Red Sea.
Solar eclipse paths provide the only possible universally verifiable means of creating a hieroglyphic message from God to humanity.
Our current sets of crossing eclipses are totally unprecedented in at least the last thousand years. Four total solar eclipses occur on Mondays between 2017 and 2034. The first set occurs over the USA 2422 days apart with an apex over the area known as "Little Egypt" in Southern Illinois. The second set occurs over the Mideast 2422 days apart with an apex over the nation of Egypt.
At this site you will find the full exploration of these eclipses as well as the entire Spring Equinox Eclipse Cycle of 2015 to 2034which accompanies the 2000th anniversary of the adulthood, ministry and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the most important anniversary in human history.
Above illustration: The Revolutionary War Swarm of 1768 to 1782.
Eclipse Witness features comprehensive hand-drawn maps of eclipses sorted according their own natural cycles and patterns.
This is in addition to maps and photos from other sources.
Find maps and info of all world crosses since 993 AD by clicking here
You will find all USA area eclipses since 1492.
To go directly to USA maps and info click here
Also here are all world eclipses since 1896, along with information about events around them.
Taken as a whole it provides evidence of what people knew all along. That is, solar eclipses are indeed messages from God.
But wow, are they surprising!
What's the message? You decide.
Pictured Above: The current Monday Hepton Cycle of 2017 to 2037, perhaps the maximum expression of the eclipse phenomenon in human history, and we are living through it.
The peculiarities of eclipse cycles boggle the mind.
Eclipse Witness has details of these astonishing cycles, perhaps the greatest array of synchronicity in known reality.
Including Lunar Year Triads, The Saros Cycle, The Draco-Metonic Cycle, The Octon and The Hepton Cycle.
An almost unending range of exciting oddities accompany eclipses in history, science, geography and personalities.
Knowledge of the magnitude of eclipse reality can only be attained by looking at eclipse history.. So that's what we do . Along the way we discover all sorts of interesting truths about solar eclipses.
They are the only possible universally verifiable way for God to write hieroglyphs. ..and guess what? He did so. They are there. They are not what anyone expected. They are a pure art.
This site utilizes both original research and maps as well as lots of stuff from the web. For Educational purposes only!
No money asked for. No ads.
We credit all of it to the God who made eclipses.
An original map by Sand depicting the American Aleph, a hieroglyphic pattern formed by mapping the three complete solar eclipse paths of Aug. 21 2017, Oct.14 2023 and Apr 08 2024.
There has never been such a tightly formed obvious Aleph over the interior borders of any nation in at least the last thousand years.
A Tav is a Cross, the last letter of both the ancient Hebrew and Egyptian alphabets. The Aleph is an A, the source of our modern letter. They are the first and last letters, the Alpha and the Omega essentially..
The April 8 2024 eclipse creates all three letters within minutes by crossing the lines created by the first two eclipses from south to north.
Click world crosses section and American maps to consider peculiarity.
Full descriptions of individual eclipses below.
An original map by Sand depicting the American Hepton Tav formed by the Total Solar eclipses of 2017 and 2024. The apex is over the area known as Little Egypt Illinois. Closest town is Makanda.
This is the first time two total eclipses separated by less than ten years have crossed over the USA since its founding. In fact, they are the first overland total cross in the area of the USA since 1451.
Click American Maps since 1492 to determine peculiarity.
Part of the Monday Hepton Series. What's a Hepton? Click here
full descriptions of individual eclipses below
An original map by Sand depicting the Texas Tav mapping the intersection of the Oct.14 2023 Ring of Fire and the Apr 08 2024 Total eclipse which occurs 177 days later.
There has never been any two complete eclipses make a cross over the area of the USA within such a short time since at least 1492.
The apex of the Texas Tav is in the Hill Country of Texas west of San Antonio. Closest town is Utopia Texas.
See American Maps since 1492 to determine peculiarity.
full descriptions of individual eclipses below.
Paleo-Hebrew was the script in which the Old Testament was written, not the modern script that is currently used
( which was being standardized around 200 B.C.) .
On the left is a Tav--the last letter (22nd) of the Hebrew alphabet-- essentially a cross or X in the above illustration.
On the right is the Paleo-Hebrew Aleph--the first letter of the alphabet. The Tav is being written by the shadow of the moon on both locations.
The Aleph
( where we get Alpha and our letter A)
is written by shadows of the 2017, 2023 and 2024 eclipses on the USA.
Reading right to left, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." --Rev.22:13...
go back and look at the Aleph ( A) over the USA mapped just above left in last section
It's a cross. It's also a Tav, the last letter, the 22nd, of the original Hebrew alphabet. It means truth. In the Greek alphabet, X is the symbol for the letter 'chi. ' Chi (or X) is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ and can stand in for the word "Christ", which is why people can write Happy Xmas. In the early days of the Christian church, Christians used the letter X as a secret symbol to indicate their membership in the church to others.
The above map illustrates the Total solar eclipses of 2017 and 2024 over America, both on Mondays, separated by a 2422 day (7 eclipse years) span.
The cross, the Tav, the X is then drawn upon the Middle East is written by eclipses in 2027 and 2034. The first line in 2027 shadows the birthplace of the mystery religions of Egypt, the sun gods of the Valley of the Kings in Luxor. It also passes over Mecca. The second eclipse in 2034 could be the most watched of all time, crossing the whole of Africa before departing to the east across Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, India, Tibet and ending in China-- a series of hugely important civilizations.
The above map illustrates the Total solar eclipses of 2027 and 2034 . Once again, both of these eclipses happen on Mondays, separated by a 2422 day (7 eclipse years) span.
Click on image to purchase
The best way to take in this phenomenon is through this book. It's way better than screens. This 435 page book has all the maps and cycles and history. It's way better than the website.
Here's the info:
Since civilization began, humans have regarded the rare appearance of a solar eclipse as an omen or message. In the last few centuries, astronomers have assured us that, since its mechanics are both measurable and predictable, that such eclipses have no supernatural characteristics.
Author and entertainer Sand Sheff challenges that assertion with Eclipse Witness: Evidence of Supernatural Patterns in the Solar Eclipse Phenomenon takes on centuries of scientific orthodoxy with a chronicle of historical eclipses and solar eclipse cycles that point to artistic and narrative elements in solar eclipses. For instance, here's a few examples:
Eclipses across Europe two days after Titanic sank in 1912 and in August 1914 in the opening days of WWI .
A total Eclipse from the USA to the USSR in 1945 one week before the Atom bomb was first tested in New Mexico.
A Total eclipse in 1834 followed the path of the Trail of Tears while the Cherokees were on it.
Now, the USA sees 3 eclipses in 7 years between 2017 and 2024 which, when mapped, create an unusual hieroglyph across the nation. It is part of a cycle which also creates a related solar eclipse hieroglyph across the Middle East in 2027 and 2034.
There are dozens of even more startling examples of peculiar individual eclipses, groups of eclipses and astonishingly precise eclipse cycles that all point to divine authorship of the eclipse phenomenon. In a fast-moving and highly visual book, Sheff outlines his controversial argument and provides lots of interesting context for the upcoming US eclipses, including the October 14 2023 solar eclipse across the Four Corners region. Sheff is the author of the acclaimed children's book, Eclipse Miracle: The Sun is the Same Size as the Moon in the Sky.
click on image to watch on youtube
For the short attention span or the curious on the go type. Taken from a live presentation by Sand concerning the solar eclipses of 2017 to 2024 in the USA, recorded in March 2023
Click on image to watch on youtube.
Sand's fast-paced video about the April 8 2024 USA eclipse which seems to signal imminent judgment of America and the world.
Click on image to watch on youtube.
Sand's movie about the eclipse crosses in the USA and Mideast between 2017 and 2034 which seem to signal imminent judgment of America and the world.
Solar eclipse paths form hieroglyphs over The USA, in an area known as Little Egypt between 2017 and 2024. A similar hieroglyph is formed over Egypt between 2027 and 2034. Each individual path is interesting. The crosses are interesting. The history is interesting.
These crosses point to a holo-fractal messaging system highlighted by the solar eclipse phenomenon which in turn provides solid evidence of the existence of God and profound implications for divine judgment as we approach the 2000th anniversary of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It's not Gone with The Wind or anything, but hey...it's the most comprehensive view of the phenomenon yet made available. The first 3/4 of the movie is a deep dive look at peculiarities and facts from both sets of eclipses which includes information not found at any other source. Sand utilizes his hand-crafted maps as well as illustrations and photos from around the web. The last 1/4 of the movie is taken from a live presentation by Sand on March 19 2023 at Moab Community Church.
This movie is a small portion of what is found in Sand's new book Eclipse Witness: Supernatural Patterns in the Cosmic Clock,
Click on image to purchase:
Did you know that the Sun and the Moon appear the same size in the sky? That’s because the Sun is 400 times bigger than the Moon, but also 400 times farther away. It's been called “the great coincidence,” but is it really just coincidence? Learn secrets of the Sun and Moon, and get a front-row seat as they line up to show us the amazing eclipse miracle! For all ages with 8 page science section.
"There aren’t very many children’s books about intelligent design. This is a welcome addition. "
Guillermo Gonzalez author of The Privileged Planet
"A wonderful book by Sand Sheff, with great scientific and spiritual content for all ages and backgrounds (with the [very] occasional Bible verse being quoted alongside academic references). The message is powerful, the story is great, the science is 100% accurate, and the author has done a masterful job of mixing the scientific facts with the wonderment and special nature of total eclipses. The book is educational, enlightening, and uplifting in a way that is difficult to explain to someone who sees only the mathematics of the event. HIGHLY recommended!-"-
-Dan McGlaun Eclipse 2017.org
It has to be one of the most beautifully presented stories for children! It contains science for beginners, geography, God lessons and how to overcome fear...Everything!"
Dr.Katina Michael editor-in-chief IEEE Technology and Society Magazine
Eclipse Miracle takes the reader on a trip through the solar system and across the planet to offer an inspirational and informative take on the sun,moon, the earth and the phenomenon of solar eclipses.
People become excited when they reflect upon this truth, and children really think it’s cool. The book credits God for this, but in a non-denominational inclusive way. It also has an 8 page science section in the back which older kids and adults like.
click on image to watch
For kids and anyone else. Quickly learn about the most amazing alignment in God's cosmic reality!
An original map by Sand depicting the August 21 2017 Total Solar Eclipse.
Great American Eclipse 2017 Aug 21
Hailed as the “Great American Eclipse”, the eclipse of 2017 Aug 21 was by far the most watched solar eclipse in American history. There was a great run-up in publicity to the eclipse, and many towns along its path held watch parties and celebrations. It has been said that the movement of people towards the narrow path of totality was the greatest single short-term migration in the nation's history, with millions positioning themselves for the sight of a lifetime, as daylight turned to darkness with the passing of the moon in front of the face of the sun.
We can use this eclipse as a test case for the idea of “reading” an eclipse like a song or a poem maybe. Three Main Aspects; The Time (History), The Space ( Geography) and The Main Characters.
Astronomical facts about the Aug 21 2017 eclipse:
• Type of eclipse: Total
• Saros Number 145
• Duration of totality along center line of maximum eclipse: 2 minutes and 40 seconds
• length of path: perhaps 8000 miles long or so
• width of path, almost exactly 70 miles wide
• Locating: At eclipse, the Sun was in the paws of the lion of the constellation Leo. The star Regulus (the “King Star”) was in conjunction with and clearly visible near the eclipsed Sun.
• Maximum Eclipse: Giant City State Park, near Carbondale, Illinois.
Geographical Peculiarities of the August 21 2017 Total Eclipse:
USA Divided: The USA was closely divided geographically by the eclipse. Approximately 2 million square miles of USA were to the north of centerline (including Alaska) and around 1.8 million square miles below. It was also closely divided well along the contiguous 48 states. 23 states had center line of totality either pass through them or were north of the line of totality. 25 states had the center line of totality either pass through them or were south of the line of totality.
Odd Spot of Maximum: Maximum Eclipse of the entire 9000-mile path occurred near Makanda, Illinois. Remarkably, Makanda (known as the “Star of Egypt”) is also at the apex of the cross, the intersection of the two eclipses of 2017 and 2024.
Cross in the Cross: In the heart of both eclipses, 10 miles from Makanda, is the Bald Knob Cross of Peace, a 111 foot cross that was once the tallest cross in the western hemisphere.
Relation to 1918 Hepton: First cross-country USA eclipse in 99 years, since June 8 1918. That eclipse had a similar path but slightly convex to this. It featured totality at Mount Saint Helens. The 1918 eclipse was also a Hepton eclipse with a corresponding US eclipse exactly 2422 days later, on Jan 24 1925. Those paths did not touch.
Rare Cross-Country: It was one of only three Pacific to Atlantic USA total solar eclipses since the nation's founding (2017, 1918 and 1806)
Only in the USA: The eclipse touched no other national boundaries besides the USA. The last solar eclipse to have that geographic distinction occurred in 1257 AD (519 years before nation's founding) and it will not happen again until 2316 (199 years after the 2017 eclipse).
Touched most states ever: The eclipse touched 14 states, the most ever up to that time for an American Total eclipse. The April 8 2024 American Eclipse exceeds it, touching 15.
Near the center of the USA: The line of totality went within 50 miles of the geographic center of the contiguous USA (Lebanon, Kansas at 98.4% totality) and within a hundred miles of the population center of the US (Hartville, Missouri at 97.5% totality)
Nice Weather: The weather was exceptionally fair for most of the nation, making for good viewing.
Extended Peculiarities of the August 21 2017 Eclipse:
First in 38 years: The 2017 Total Eclipse was the first in the contiguous USA in 38 years. The last one before 2017 was on 1979 Feb 26, with totality in the northwest, including Mt. Saint Helens one year before her eruption. The 2017 eclipse brought 98.4 % coverage to Mt. Saint Helens.
Seven Cities named Salem: Salem, Oregon (the capital of Oregon) was the first major city in the US to see totality. Salem is shorthand for Jerusalem, means “peace” in Arabic and is related to the Hebrew “shalom”. The eclipse path passed over 7 towns named Salem in The US. They were nearly evenly spaced along the line —in Oregon, Wyoming, Idaho, Nebraska, Missouri, Kentucky and South Carolina.
Echoes of Government and Lincoln: The eclipse was first visible on US soil at Government Point, Oregon. The first town in totality was Lincoln City, Oregon, It also went over Lincoln Point Wyoming and Lincoln Nebraska (the state capital) --99.6% at Lincoln Missouri and 98.4% totality at Lincoln's Birthplace in Kentucky.
Nashville: First total eclipse over area of Nashville, Tennessee since 1478. But, of course everyone knows real country music had already been eclipsed for some time. Country Music Fact: #1 country song at time of eclipse. “Body like a Back Road”(“I know every curve like the back of my hand”)
Leaves USA at Slave Port of Charleston: Eclipse exited the USA with center line at Charleston, South Carolina. Charleston was the largest slave port in North America. More than 200,000 Africans passed through the port of Charleston in chains, between the founding of the Carolina colony in 1670 and the prohibition of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade in 1808. Interesting juxtaposition entering US at Salem and exiting at Charleston.
Interesting Historical Yearly Anniversaries of 2017
• 500thanniversary of Protestant Reformation (Began 1517 Oct 31)
• 500thanniversary of first defeat of Spanish Conquistadors in the Americas at Battle of Champton in what is now Mexico (1517 Mar 25)
• 500thAnniversary of first official European delegation to China (1517 Aug 15)
• 100thanniversary of Balfour Declaration proclaiming Jewish homeland (1917 Nov 2)
• 100thanniversary of US entrance into World War One (1917 Apr 6)
• 100thAnniversary of Russian Bolshevik Revolution (Oct 1917)
• 100thanniversary of birth of John F. Kennedy (1917 May 29)
• 50thanniversary of Jewish control of Jerusalem (6-7-1967)
• 50thAnniversary of American “Summer of Love” (1967)
Sevens and 70's
• 7 months exactly after Donald Trump's first full day in office (1-21-2017), who won the presidency by 77 electoral votes, and assumed his first full day when he was 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old. (Trump was born the day of a lunar eclipse Jun 14 1946)
• 70thanniversary of beginning of Israeli war of modern nationhood (November 1947)
• 70thanniversary of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls (early 1947)
• 70thanniversary of founding of CIA (1947 July)
• 70thanniversary of Roswell “Flying Saucer” incident (7-7-1947)
• The eclipse path was 70 miles wide.
• Saros 145, the character eclipse, is composed of 77 events. 2017 Aug 21 is its 22nd.
• 2017 was Hebrew Year 5777.
Historical Calendar Peculiarities—Calendar date August 21st
Two other great eclipses occurred on the date of August 21 in the 20th Century.
August 21 1914 World War One (Saros 124)--One of the most clearly ominous eclipses in modern history. Fighting begins in worst slaughter in human history to that point just as total solar eclipse divides Europe, Ottoman Empire, and Russia.
August 21 1933 Jerusalem Ring of Fire--As Nazis seize control in Germany, ring of fire eclipse in Jerusalem and Baghdad (Babylon).
Saros 145 Recent History and Character
Saros are repeating characters (every 18 years 11 days and 8 hours- or 19 eclipse years). Saros 145 creates the August 21st 2017 Great American Eclipse. Here are last 5 eclipses for Saros 145 before 2017- see them go backwards 18 years at a time:
August 11 1999- Europe/ Mideast/ South Asia---Saros 145 created the last complete solar eclipse of the second millennium. One of the greatest eclipses of all time. Totality from Nineveh, Iraq to Hitler's birthplace in Austria to France and England.
Jul 31 1981 USSR-The last decade of the Soviet Union's power begins with a cross-country eclipse that touches no other nation.
Jul 20 1963 Japan to USA- 18 years after atomic bombs ,total eclipse begins in Japan six years to the day before moon landing
Jul 9 1945 USA to USSR Atom Bomb Eclipse-Total solar eclipse travels from the USA to USSR one week before the detonation of the first atomic bomb.
6-29-1927 England to USA Beatles Premonition Eclipse – Liverpool England to USA exactly 14 eclipse years (4851 days) before the birth of the Beatles oldest member, John Lennon, on 10-9-1940. All the Beatles will be born in Liverpool.
What's next for Saros 145? It is scheduled to return on September 2 2035, when it brings totality for the first time in centuries to Beijing, the capital of China. Totality also in Pyongyang, North Korea and north metropolitan Tokyo.
This material is from Sand's book: Eclipse Witness: Supernatural Patterns int the Cosmic Clock
See world crosses section and American maps and Saros Cycles to consider peculiarity.
An original map by Sand depicting the Great American Ring of Fire 2023 Oct 14
Astronomical facts about the eclipse:
• Type of eclipse: Annular (Ring of Fire)
• Saros Number 134
• Duration of totality along center line of maximum eclipse: 5 minutes 17 seconds
maximum eclipse occurred off eastern coast of Nicaragua
• length of path: perhaps 8000 miles long or so
• width of path, roughly 125 miles wide
• Zodiac: officially in constellation Libra ( though perhaps more like Virgo,,,ask your local astrologer)
Great American Ring of Fire October 14, 2023
2023 is the Second of Three American eclipses in Seven Years
The the path itself is very balanced in relation to North and South America. You can find that illustration farther down in the section. It is the most balanced eclipse path between the continents since Europeans arrived in 1492.
October 14 Facts and Peculiarities:
Almost Columbus Day: October 14 2023 is 531 years and two days from the “discovery” of the Americas by Christopher Columbus. 48% sun coverage at his landing site in San Salvador Bahamas.
Anniversary of First Crime of Conquistadors: Oct 14 2023 is the exact 531st anniversary (Oct 14 1492) of Columbus' abduction of 7 native youth to serve as guides; the first colonial crime in the Americas.
The Metonic just left Columbus Day: The last complete eclipse on this eclipse Metonic occurred on Oct 12 1977, the 485th anniversary of Columbus Day. That total eclipse began over open ocean and traversed no land until it crossed Colombia, the only nation on earth named for the explorer.
Eisenhower vs. Hitler Rematch: 2023 Oct 14 is the 133rd Birthday of Dwight Eisenhower, born October 14 1890. Another complete eclipse occurred six months earlier on Adolf Hitler's 134th birthday on April 20. He was born April 20 1889. Eisenhower and Hitler were enemies in World War Two.
Peculiar distance from Mayan Apocalypse: 2023 Oct 14 is exactly 555.5 eclipse years from the “Mayan Apocalypse” total eclipse of August 8 1496 (Saros 127) which brought terror to the Aztec and Mayan tribes just as Spanish Conquistadors were arriving.
Extended Peculiarities of October 14 2023 Ring of Fire
North and South America: This is the first complete solar eclipse to connect the USA and South America (including full annularity at Panama Canal) since the USA's founding in 1776. The path connects North and South America with a complete Solar Eclipse for the first time since Oct 13 1632—391 years and one day before this Oct 14 2023 eclipse. The path touches 9 nations, a difficult geographic tightrope, perhaps the most ever for an eclipse in the Western hemisphere.
Latitude coincidence: The beginning spot of the eclipse in the Pacific Ocean is approximately 49.5 degrees latitude, which is also the same as the northernmost latitude of the northern boundary of the contiguous USA, 49.5 degrees at Angle Inlet, Minnesota.
Lincoln Anniversary: The 2023 eclipse enters the USA 10 miles south of Lincoln City Oregon exactly 167 eclipse years (57,879 days) after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln on April 14/15 1865.
Oregon: Newport, Oregon and a few other small settlements occupy the only tiny strip of land to receive complete eclipses in both the 2017 Aug 21 total and 2023 ring of fire solar eclipses. Salem just misses annularity. Eugene is in path.
Nevada: Annularity misses Las Vegas by a hundred miles (but still has 82 % coverage).
Utah: The eclipse crosses Utah, staying south. where it passes over several national parks and monuments including Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Natural Bridges, Canyonlands and Bears Ears. Only small towns are in the path.
Colorado: Extreme SW Colorado in path, including Cortez. Anasazi ruins of Mesa Verde are in path.
Navajo Nation: Eclipse path crosses 3 of the four sacred Navajo Mountains (“corners of the Navajo Universe”)- Navajo Mountain in Utah, Mount Taylor in New Mexico and Hesperus in Colorado. Passes over Window Rock, Arizona—capitol of the Navajo Nation.
Path covers the entirety of Lake Powell in Utah, site of the damming of the Colorado River canyon system, perhaps the greatest ecological catastrophe in the history of America.
It passes over the center of the cross of the Four Corners, the only place in the USA ( and the world?) where state political boundaries form a cross.
New Mexico. Annularity includes Chaco Canyon; ceremonial center of the lost Anasazi civilization. Acoma Pueblo is in Annularity, the oldest continuously inhabited village in North America (since 1150 AD). Eclipse passes over Santa Fe—the oldest and highest capitol city in America. Annularity in Albuquerque. Path crosses Los Alamos NM Laboratory (birthplace of Atom Bomb) and Roswell, NM where “flying saucer” event occurred in 1947, and real space aliens have shops on Main Street.
Oct 14 2023 in Texas:
Midland Again: Path heads over West Texas, crosses Midland, home of George HW Bush's oil business in the 1950's and the boyhood home of George W. Bush. Second USA annular eclipse in a row to touch Midland (and third in a row to directly impact it).
Columbus and Midland: May 20 2012 ring of fire ended at sunset over Midland, making Columbus Death day (May 20) and Columbus Crime Day (Oct 14) anniversaries enshrined in consecutive Ring of Fire eclipses both crossing Midland. The two Midland rings of fires are exactly 12 eclipse years apart.
Intersection with 2024 Total: The path intersects with upcoming 2024 April 8 eclipse path in the hill country west of San Antonio. Apex of intersection is just north of the town of Utopia. Exact apex appears to be Sabinal River south of Lost Maples State Park. Sabinal means “Cypresses” in Spanish. Exact Apex is near Piece of Heaven RV park and Hacienda Del Sol (Plantation of the Sun) Cabins.
Uvalde: The town of Uvalde, where 19 children were massacred in 2022, is in path of both eclipses.
San Antonio is in Annularity, the largest city in the nation to receive annularity in this eclipse.
The Body of Christ: Perhaps most striking of all, precise centerline of eclipse path exits the USA directly over Corpus Christi, or “Body of Christ”, one of the only towns named that in the world.
Central America: Annularity in every nation in Central America except El Salvador (the Savior).
South America: Of course, being a Columbus Anniversary Eclipse, the path bisects the nation of Colombia 46 years and two days after their unique Columbus Day eclipse of Oct 12 1977
Brazil: The Ring of Fire crosses the northern entirety of the Brazilian state of Amazonas to exit the Americas at city of Natal (Nativity), very near the extreme northeastern tip of South America, the closest spot in the Americas to Europe. The eclipse also covers city of Joao Pessoa, the easternmost spot in all the Americas and the 3rd oldest city in Brazil.
Saros 134 Recent History and Character
Saros are repeating characters (every 18 years 11 days and 8 hours- or 19 eclipse years). Saros 134 creates the October 14 2023 Great American Ring of Fire.
Here are the last 5 eclipses for Saros 134 - see them go backwards 18 years at a time:
• 2005 October 3-Madrid Ring of Fire: Madrid Spain directly in Totality, along with Algiers...path cuts through Africa, including Kenya.
• 1987 Sep 23- USSR Fall Equinox: 7 weeks before Estonia became the first state of USSR to declare its independence. Eclipse also over China.
• 1969 September 11- South America: Just missing the northern border of Chile, where a CIA coup ousts and kills President Salvador Allende four years later on September 11th 1973. 9-11 Metonic first appearance in centuries.
• 1951 Sep 1 -Jamestown, Virginia to Africa Ring of Fire: Eclipse path traces path of the first slaves brought by British colonists on 8-20- 1619 back to their homeland of Angola 331 years and 11 days later -see also 7-11-1619 Luanda Angola Eclipse
• 1933 Aug 21 Jerusalem Ring of Fire -mentioned earlier.
See world crosses section and American maps to consider peculiarity.
Full descriptions of individual eclipses below.
531 years and two days after Columbus discovered America, an annular eclipse creates a ring of fire from Oregon to Texas and then on to South America October 14th 2023, one of three solar eclipses in the USA in Seven Years
It enters Oregon--center of annularity coming ashore near Lincoln Beach at 9:05 am. Oregon's second eclipse in 7 years. and heads across the Southwest USA . Crosses Gulf of Mexico, Yucatan, Central America, across the Amazon and exits into the Ocean at Natal, Brazil. Natal is Portugese for Nativity.
The only place in the USA where four states meet and form a cross, the sacred lands of the Four Corners region. The Eclipse path perfectly covers the Cross as it travels over some of the most beautiful lands on earth, including confluence of Green and Colorado Rivers, several national parks and centers of the lost Anasazi Civilization like Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde.
The eclipse exits the USA .
Exact centerline of annularity directly over
the city of Corpus Christi ( Body of Christ) -
The only city in America that bears such a name.
The eclipse then traverses the gulf of Mexico before crossing the Yucatan.
An original map by Sand depicting the Great North American Eclipse
Great North American Eclipse: April 8 2024
Astronomical facts about the eclipse:
• Type of eclipse: Total
• Saros Number 139
• Duration of totality along center line of maximum eclipse: 4 minutes and 27 seconds
• length of path: perhaps 10,000 miles long
• width of path: 124 miles wide
• Maximum eclipse occurs near Nazas, Mexico
• Locater: Sun and Moon eclipse in Pisces between Mercury and Venus
Peculiarities Apr 8 2024 Total Eclipse
Even number: All individual and collective digits of the 4-8-2024 eclipse are even numbers. This is the first time this has happened since a partial solar eclipse on Jun 6 886 AD.
Easter: Occurs eight days after Easter, the closest any solar eclipse can astronomically occur to Easter. Easter is March 31, the first Sunday after full moon after Spring Equinox.
Buddha Birthday: April 8 is traditional birthday celebration of Buddha (Japan)
All three Nations of North America: April 8 2024 eclipse is the first total solar eclipse to cross all three nations of Mexico, USA and Canada overland since their founding. You have to go back to 664 AD for any path like the 2024 path. It will be the last total eclipse to touch all three nations until 2316. It is the only total solar eclipse to travel south to north overland border to border in US history.
The Most states ever for Total: The 2017 USA eclipse touched 14 states, the most states of any total eclipse in US history. The 2024 eclipse outdoes it by one, touching 15 states.
Last US Eclipse for a long While: It will be the last complete solar eclipse in USA for 20 years (until Aug 22 2044). This will be the longest stretch without an eclipse in USA since 1782 to 1806 24-year stretch.
New Madrid Fault: Totality over New Madrid, Mo, epicenter of largest earthquakes in USA history (1811/1812)
The Most People Ever in USA: The eclipse will cover far more metropolitan cities and go over more Americans in one path than any total eclipse in the nation's history.
Lots of Cities: Just some of the cities in the path of Totality-: Del Rio, Dallas-Ft. Worth, San Antonio, Austin, Waco, Texarkana, Little Rock, Terre Haute, Indianapolis, Dayton, Akron, Cleveland, Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester, Burlington, Montpelier.
Near the Center again: The path passes within 50 miles of the geographic population center of the USA (Hartville, Missouri—with 99% totality)
Second line of Tav: It forms a balanced curved cross or x (Hebrew Tav) with the August 21 2017 eclipse
Mexico and Canada too: Crosses more metropolitan populations across nations of Mexico. USA and Canada than any other complete solar eclipse in the history of the western hemisphere.
Mexico: the eclipse first enters the North American continent with centerline directly over resort city of Mazatlán, it also traverses cities of Durango and Torreon (“tower”), site of the 3rd tallest statue of Christ in Latin America. Maximum Eclipse (4 minutes 27 seconds) of entire eclipse occurs near city of Nazas, an Arabic word for evil eye and shorthand for Nazareth. The eclipse exits Mexico at Ciudad Acuna to enter USA at Del Rio.
Canada: the eclipse scrapes the northern Toronto Metro area, and fully covers Montreal (founded in 1642 as Villa Marie or City of Mary).
Exits at St.John’s: Eclipse exits North American north (99.24% eclipse) at St. John's, Newfoundland. St. John's is the oldest city in Canada, and one of the oldest European settlements in the New World, founded by the British in 1497. Saint John as in John the Apostle, writer of the Book of Revelation.
First Canadian Total in 45 years: This is the first Total Eclipse visible from Canada since February 26, 1979, more than 45 years. There was a potent Ring of Fire in the midst of the pandemic on Jun 10 2021.
Specific US Geographical Peculiarities of the April 8 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
Let's trace the path from Texas to Maine and look at peculiarities in each of the 15 states
Texas Historical and Geographical Peculiarities April 8 2024
Big Texas Cities: Path manages to pass over 3 of the four largest cities in Texas—San Antonio, Austin and Dallas-Fort Worth. Together they are home to more than 12 million people. Also in the path are several other large cities, including Plano, Del Rio, Waco, and Texarkana.
Texas Tav: the two eclipses of 2023 Oct 14 (Ring of Fire) and 2024 Apr 8 make a geographical X over south Texas. Texas is the only state in the USA with the letter x in its name. The center of the X of those two paths is near town of Utopia.
Uvalde Again: The eclipse passes over the town of Uvalde, site of the massacre of 19 schoolchildren in 2022 just as the 2023 Ring of Fire does.
Odd Waco Anniversary: Eclipse passes over the site of the Mount Carmel Branch Davidian Massacre in Waco, Texas, where 76 people, including 25 children, were burned to death exactly 30 solar years plus one lunar year before this eclipse (30 Years 11 months and 20 days) on 1993 April 19.
Dallas and JFK: The eclipse passes directly over Dallas, their first total solar eclipse since 1878 and only their third total eclipse in nearly 500 years. Dallas is the site of the most notorious murder in modern American history, the assassination of John F. Kennedy on 1963 Nov 22. Total eclipse occurs in Dealey Plaza, site of the shooting, 60 years and 137 days later at 1:40 pm Daylight Savings Time, very near the time of the shooting, which was at 12:30 pm Standard Time.
LBJ in the Path: The eclipse passes over both the birthplace/boyhood home (Stonewall, Texas) and death place (Johnson City, Texas ) of Lyndon B. Johnson, Kennedy's successor to the Presidency.
Interesting anniversary of JFK Eclipse: The eclipse of April 8, 2024 is separated by exactly 110 eclipse years ( which is 220 eclipse seasons) from the Kennedy Death Premonition Eclipse of 11-22-1919. That amazing 1919 eclipse occurred exactly 44 years before the murder of JFK and passed over both the Texas Capital of Austin and Stonewall, Texas, home to a then ten-year-old Lyndon B. Johnson, who would replace Kennedy on 11-22-1963. See USA Eclipses and Kennedy section.
More Bush in the Path:The Eclipse passes over ranch of George W. Bush in Crawford, Texas and his family's current residence in Dallas. The preceding Ring of Fire 177 days earlier on 2023 Oct 14 passes directly over his boyhood Home of Midland/Odessa Texas.
Space Shuttle Columbia: The eclipse passes over site of Columbia Space Shuttle disaster near Dallas on 2003 Feb 1, during George W. Bush's Presidency, seven weeks before the US invaded Iraq in March of 2003. Columbia is the female national personification of the United States, a historical name also applied to the Americas and to the New World.
Arkansas and Clinton: Totality over the birthplace/boyhood home of President Bill Clinton (Hope) as well as his adult and governor's home in Little Rock. Also pPasses over the town of Clinton, Arkansas.
Tennessee sees totality in only a few square miles, touching only a tiny corner of the state, the port of Cates Landing, one side of an oxbow of the Mississippi River across from New Madrid, Missouri...epicenter of the great New Madrid earthquakes (Dec 16 1811 to Feb 7 1812)
Little Egypt Apex: Sections of Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky will see their second total eclipse in 7 years. That area is known as “Little Egypt”. Center of the apex of the USA total eclipse cross is very near the township of Makanda, Illinois—once known as the “Star of Egypt”. The exact apex appears to be on the east side of Cedar Lake at Salem Road.
Missouri is the state crossed most dramatically by the x created by the two eclipses of 2017 and 2024. The 2024 eclipse touches no major cities in Missouri, though many smaller towns.
Kentucky: Paducah is eclipsed for the second time in 7 years, the largest city in USA to receive totality in both eclipses. Farther to northeast, Abe Lincoln's birthplace receives 98% coverage.
Illinois and Bald Knob Cross: Carbondale and Chester Illinois receive totality for the second time in seven years. As in the 2017 eclipse, the path passes over Bald Knob Cross, near Alto Pass Illinois, once the largest cross in North America and still one of the biggest at 111 feet tall. It is situated on a hill at the highest point in southern Illinois, near Makanda.
Indiana: Most of the state sees Totality, including Columbus, birthplace of Trump's Vice-President Mike Pence. Also in path is Indianapolis, home of ex Vice-President Dan Quayle and politician Pete Buttigieg. Totality over site of Battle of Tippecanoe (1811 Nov 7) in Battle Ground, Indiana at Prophetstown State Park. That battle was one of the turning points in the wars for domination of the American Indians. Prophetstown was founded by Tecumseh, the great Shawnee warrior and Chief.
Ohio: the eclipse hits or scrapes nearly all major cities (totality in Cleveland), though barely the north Cincinnati Metro and bisecting Columbus Metro area. Eclipse occurs exactly 233 eclipse years after the founding of Ohio on 1803 Mar 1. Crosses site of Kent State killings of 1970 near Akron. Ohio was the home of 8 US Presidents.
Mormon Associations: In Ohio, path goes over Kirtland, the early home of the Mormon Church and Joseph Smith from 1831 to 1837. Path goes over Hiram, Ohio where Joseph Smith was famously tarred and feathered. Eclipse Totality goes over Manchester, New York, where Smith claimed to have found the golden tablets from which the Mormon religion is founded. The path very nearly goes over Joseph Smith birthplace of Sharon, Vermont (99.13%). 97% coverage at Brigham Young Birthplace of Whitingham VT.
Michigan sees even less totality than Tennessee, and only the barest few square miles experience total eclipse, in the area of Lost Peninsula.
Pennsylvania: crosses city of Erie. 94.7% at biden birthplace of Scranton.
New York State: In New York, the path follows entire northern border of the state. Totality at Niagara Falls. Centerline of totality in Rochester, Buffalo and Watertown, home of Allen Dulles who headed the CIA from 1953 to 1961. Dulles was born April 7 1893, 131 years and one day before eclipse.
Vermont: Total eclipse in Vermont's two largest cities, Burlington and Montpelier.
New Hampshire: Crosses the little populated extreme north.
Maine: Maine is one of the states most crossed by eclipses in the history of USA. Caribou, Maine is the last major town in the USA to experience totality in the 2024 eclipse.
US/ Canada Border: The eclipse path straddles the USA/ Canada Border for nearly 700 miles-from Toledo Ohio to just south of Quebec City Canada. The path exits Maine, about 100 miles from the easternmost point of the USA, then travels across extreme eastern Canada. The eclipse will have spent only about an hour and a half crossing North America.
Date Peculiarities of April 8 2024 and 2024 in general
Monday: Like 2017 Aug 21 USA Eclipse and both Mideast Cross eclipses, this eclipse also occurs on Monday. It is a Hepton Cycle Eclipse.
Anniversary of Titanic Eclipse: The Titanic Hybrid Eclipse of 1912 Apr 17 (60 hours after the sinking) and the 2024 Apr 8 total eclipse are exactly 118 eclipse years apart—40,902 days
Anniversary of New World Eclipse: The New World Eclipse (1492 Oct 21), which occurred nine days after Columbus landed in the Americas and the 2024 Apr 8 eclipse are exactly 560 eclipse years apart (194,104 days). Eclipse coverage in 2024 is 31% at Columbus landing site in Bahamas
500thAnniversary of sighting of Manhattan: Apr 8 2024 is nine days shy of exactly 500 years from the sighting of Manhattan Island by the explorer Verrazano on Apr 17 1524. New York City sees 90% coverage in the 2024 Eclipse. 400 Years since the first Dutch colonists arrive in New York (1624)
100thAnniversary of end of Indian Wars: 2024 is 100 years after the final US Army skirmish with the Apache tribe, which ended more than 400 years of the North American conquest. (1924)
The character of Saros 139 History and Peculiarities
Saros 139 creates the April 8 2024 Great American Eclipse. Here is the recent past of Saros 139,
Turkish Cross March 29 2006: Began at sunrise over east coast city of Natal (“Nativity”), Brazil— It crossed the Atlantic, Africa, Turkey and Georgia, Kazakhstan, including totality at their unusual Capital of Nur-Sultan, home of the 203 ft Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, a pyramid devoted to reconciliation of the world religions. Paired with Aug 11 1999 End of Millennium Eclipse. The extraordinary design they create is nearly identical to the one they recreate over America between 2017 and 2024. See next page.
1988 Mar 18 Total eclipse in Indonesia, Malay and southern Philippines. Mount Pinatubo of the Philippines erupts 3 years, 3 months and 3 days later in the 2nd largest eruption of the 20th century.
1970 Mar 7 End of 60's USA eclipse...Total Eclipse across southeastern seaboard of USA. 93% totality at Cape Canaveral/ Cape Kennedy 234 days after first rocket to the moon. Totality at Charleston South Carolina, the greatest Slave Port in North America (totality again in 2017). The end of the sixties.
1952 Feb 25 Iranian Shahrud Eclipse ---one of the eclipses that make up the great Shahrud Iran Cross of 1952 and 1954, bordering the US led coup that established the reign of Shah Reza Pahlavi (see historical eclipses for more info).
See world crosses section and American maps to consider peculiarity.
Full descriptions of individual eclipses below.
Eclipse Judgment: A pattern of ongoing solar eclipses which mark with shadow paths the histories, deeds and destinies of the great empires of man. We primarily consider a time frame beginning in 1900 and ending in 2034, with particular focus on an exactly 19 solar year period between 3-20-2015 and 3-20-2034.
The eclipses within this 19 year period occur in profound relation to the upcoming 2,000th anniversary of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
These eclipse's historical, geographic and numerical patterns present peculiar relations with the scientific truths which underlie their timing and appearance. These scientific truths themselves also contain extraordinary peculiarities .
This site describes the eclipses but attempts to resist direct interpretation of the individual phenomenon. In other words, ... I don't say " the reason this eclipse happened is because the people in this country are bad"...or things to that effect.
Nevertheless I have my reasons to believe these are indeed Judgment Eclipses, and I don't believe one has to be a rocket scientist to come to such a conclusion. I fully expect this name to be justly given in relation to these eclipses and human history, and encourage all readers to come to terms with the Creator of All Things, He is God. You can be of any or no faith around here, I don't mind.
But just so you know up front, I believe that Jesus is real. I believe that the eclipses should be listened to. They are at one time events, paintings, stories and songs. I hope you will agree that many of these paths are truly masterful cosmic art.
I use only historical facts, centuries of scientific research, and, not least, publicly accessible path mapping. I use accepted astronomic measurements. I don't believe the earth is flat or that the sun goes around the earth or that this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius. All historical associations are well-known. I resist personal interpretations of each event, other than to claim they have meaning.
The hand-drawn maps are my original work. Many of the other maps are mostly from timeanddate.com which is an indispensable resource for cosmic researchers, history buffs and "numerica" ( number stories) aficionados. There are some maps from Andreas Mueller's great site and solar-eclipse.info
Fred Espenak is probably the best-known authority on Eclipses in America. He has created a 5,000 year canon with Jean Meuss of all eclipses on Earth from 2,000 BC until the year 3000. If you are interested in the subject, you should really consider getting those two volumes. He is known as Mr. eclipse ( eclipsewise.com) and his maps are the the basis of NASA maps
For the coming eclipses in the USA of 10-14-2023 and 4-8-2024 the best place I have found is eclipse2024.org, Dan Mcglaun has all the up to date maps and facts.
Dean Coombs at 1260d.com has good knowledge of Biblical numerical reality and a great perspective on eclipses.
By crediting these folks , I do not mean to imply that they would at all agree with me, but either way, I certainly thank them for their contributions to the understanding of Eclipses.
I consider complete solar eclipses at this site. In a complete solar eclipse, the moon actually goes completely in front of the sun .This alignment draws a specific narrow shadow path of totality or annularity across earth ( an umbra).. Complete solar eclipses are either Total ( you can look at them/ it gets dark in the day/ we see the sun's corona) or Annular ( Ring of Fire/ when the moon is smaller than the sun's disk) or Hybrid ( which is a mix of the two)...
there are very few partial or lunar eclipses described here. just a couple when i really have to make a point...
So, this site chronicles "complete" solar eclipses and lets them tell their own stories, through facts related to their timing, path locations, and relations. These facts may or may not lead to associations for the hearer. My primary role is to make known these associations. Inevitably, I also inject a few opinions, make more or less pertinent or vaguely amusing observations,, and even include Bible verses here and there. That's my style! Hopefully these personal efforts to highlight associations don't interfere with everyone's individual journey into the meanings available from consideration of eclipses. That meaning doesn't come from the author of this site, but rather from the Creator of this universe.
A couple of quotes about the idea of Eclipse Judgment in history :
"Biblical in origin, the expression “eclipse of God” refers to the Jewish concept of hester panim, the act of God concealing his face as a way of punishing his disobedient subjects. "
--as defined online by Princeton Daily review
"The English word eclipse comes from the Greek ἔκλειψις, ekleípō: disappearance, abandonment. A solar eclipse is the moment in which the sun disappears, abandoning the world. It’s like being forsaken by a god. The ancient Greeks thought of a solar eclipse as an act of abandonment, a terrible crisis and an existential threat. It meant that the king would fall, that terrible misfortunes would rain down on the world, or that demons had swallowed the sun." from Vox---Aug 2017
We are dealing with Cosmic Storytelling here, told by a Cosmic storyteller, one that lives outside of time, and maintains a full view of time.. Eclipses are perhaps the most profound pattern found in nature that asserts cosmic timekeeping and communication in relation to the history of man. This pattern is quite real. The manifestation of the pattern is sublime, often surprising,and bears a similarity to music. It is perhaps best listened to like music and not scanned like a textbook.. The Creator of these patterns is worthy of awe and reverence. It invites more investigation, and I pray such consideration goes to the Glory of God in these momentous times.
This website include details of the upcoming judgment eclipses, an overview of all eclipses between 1900 and 2037, considerations of the extraordinary nature of eclipses and their cycles, including:
There are also numerical, geographical and historical peculiarities. and potential significance in timings.
There is love in the story of God. On a fundamental level, this seems to be a story about truth and gratitude.
But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and lift up your heads; because your redemption draws nigh. Luke 21:28
This is a work in progress and is currently being updated as time permits.
If at all possible, eclipse information should be printed and the dates and paths of the most important eclipses remembered and shared.
This site, like everything in cyberspace, is at the mercy of the network, where all posted knowledge is at imminent risk of sudden and permanent obliteration.
I pray this work is to the Glory of God. His love and His wonders surround us. We must stay sane and strong. Look to the truth of Jesus.
Blessings on you all. Sand
You will find some on the internet claiming that solar eclipses aren't rare. The earth begs to differ. As usual, it's all a matter of perspective.
Above is a map of Total Solar Eclipses over a 19 year span from 2015 to 2034 You can see that total eclipses during this time frame are few, and far between. Only 15 total solar eclipses occur in the space of 20 years from 2015 to 2037 over the entire planet. Total solar eclipses occur about an average of once every 18 months, but they don't follow our calendar that exactly.. They are predictable phenomenon which vary in geographic appearance at different places on the globe. They operate under natural laws, established at the beginning of Creation.
They appear on average once every 375 years at any given place on earth, but the average is rarely the reality. For instance, Rome Italy has not had a total solar eclipse since 1386 AD, more than 600 years ago. Sacramento, California has not had a total solar eclipse since 1004 AD. On the other side of the coin, Carbondale, Illinois will experience their second total eclipse in 7 years on April 8, 2024. In a ten year span between 1948 and 1958, the city of Bangkok, Thailand experienced 4 complete ( total and ring of fire ) eclipses. I calculated the odds of that at 480 million to one, please correct me if my math is wrong.
We consider Annular eclipses as well as total, because they also involve the moon going directly in front of the sun. Commonly referred to as Ring of Fire eclipses, these happen at about the same ratio of frequency as Total eclipses, so the chance for any one place on earth to experience the path of either Total or Ring of Fire is about once every 200 years on average.
Generally, we do not consider partial solar eclipses or lunar eclipses at this site!
Neither leave definable paths and thus no definite associations can be drawn from them geographically.
Most humans live and die without ever seeing a complete total or ring of fire solar eclipse.
An eclipse path of totality varies between 50 and 150 miles wide, so only a small area of land sees a total solar eclipse during each event. Outside of that narrow strip of pure shadow, a much larger area experiences a partial eclipse.
The Eclipse Judgments we'll consider first are visible in the above map as crosses, or x's, on planet earth. They are seen as rather symmetrical x's in the above map. One over the USA, and one over the Mideast.
These marks signify the shadow paths of the moon across the face of earth, designating two great Empires of Humanity--one Eastern Hemisphere, one Western Hemisphere. These Empires were not merely physical and economic expansions. They are empires of the mind of man. They are dominant cultural, religious as well as political powers. They are both symbolic and literal empires.
The Judgment of these Empires is to be marked in time and symbolized by sets of solar eclipses profoundly placed at significant times and locations by an Almighty God.
We will also consider other Eclipses visible on this map during this time frame, and others not shown ( Annular Ring of Fire eclipses) which fit the pattern of significance. In fact, we'll consider all complete solar eclipse between the years 1914 and 2034 to try and discover if there are patterns of significance we can discover.
The sun is the same size as the moon in the sky. No, I did not say the sun is the same size as the moon. They are the same size in the sky-- a reality that's far more profound, because the reality is relational and demands our consideration, whether we give it such consideration or not. Its truth is artistic and aesthetic, as well as scientific.
How do we have a solar eclipse? The simple ( and truest) answer is that the moon goes in front of the sun for a bit. It's a matter of perspective. Our perspective is from the surface of earth, with a perfect view of this startling arrangement.
The only way we can have the kind of spectacular total solar eclipses we witness from planet Earth is by the "great coincidence"-- The Eclipse Miracle. The sun is the same size as the moon in the sky. The Sun is 400 times bigger than the Moon and also 400 times further away.
Intelligent beings were given this obvious proof that there is a Creator. There are other obvious proofs--the presence of life, biological diversity, light, water, spirit, thought, music, beauty, love and a Bible--what's on your list?
---the position of our earth in relation to the sun and the moon is a direct and irrefutable message from an Omnipresent Creator, who established a beautiful home for a story.
The Solar Eclipse is many things, but it is also a fundamental illustration of Story
( and a cosmic parable of the Story of Jesus). In this story, the Sun shines and gives light and life. Then one day a dark shadow appears to gobble it up. Day turns to night. People and animals get scared. But Light returns and triumphs.
It is a story of eternal significance, but only if we are grateful enough to offer it meaning. Are we grateful for what we are given? Or do we dismiss His story and everything else as meaningless coincidence?
What do we do with that truth? Does it matter to us? You can always say "So What?" . What does that mean?
God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also.
Genesis 1:14-16
It's difficult to find any nation in history so perfectly trisected by solar eclipses geographically as the USA is by eclipses on 8-21-2017 , 10-14-2023 and 4-8-2024...over a 2422 day span.
A is for Alpha, Alef ( Hebrew), It's an A that is comprised of three lines, two x's.
The 8-21-2017 and 4-8-2024 are Hepton Total Eclipses, both on Monday.
X is the Tav ( the last letter of original Hebrew).
Aug 2nd 2027 and March 20, 2034...also separated by a 2422 day span. Both are Hepton Cycle eclipses occurring on Mondays.
27 AD is one probable dating of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 34 AD was Sir Isaac Newton's calculation of that event. Others have very strong opinions about every year in between 27 and 34 Ad as it relates to the Crucifixion/
The Mideast eclipses occur on these 2,000th year anniversaries, but no solar eclipse can naturally occur on the exact day anniversary. Jesus was crucified at Passover (which is at full moon). Solar eclipses happen at new moon.
apex of US eclipse : Little Egypt Illinois
apex of Mideast eclipses: Egypt and the Red Sea
There are three main kinds of years. The solar year, the lunar year and the draconic (eclipse) year.
They depend on reference, on perspective.
The solar year is the time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun (365.25 days).
The lunar year is the time to complete twelve full cycles of the moon (about 355 days).
The Draconic Yor eclipse ear is the cosmic perspective of timekeeping, the realignment of moon and sun on an ecliptic plane visible from Earth.. It has 346.62 days in it.
By what some call extraordinary coincidence., all these completely unrelated "years" come together at a meeting spot in the Metonic Cycle exactly every 19 years. The same phase of the moon on a given date every 19 solar years. Eclipses also return on dates in a similar fashion, as we will see, There is no scientific reason for this alignment of different cosmic timekeeping, just as there is no scientific reason for the sun/moon alignment in the first place
The Draconic year is the time taken for the Sun (as seen from the Earth) to complete one revolution with respect to the same lunar node (a point where the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic).
In other words, It's the place in the sky where that little moon might run into the little sun again. This period is associated with eclipses: these occur only when both the Sun and the Moon are near these nodes; so eclipses occur within about a month of every half eclipse year.
There are two eclipse seasons every eclipse year. The average duration of the eclipse year is 346.62 days). The term “draconic” is connected with an idea of the ancients, according to which the sun and moon are devoured by a dragon during an eclipse.
The moon’s draconic period of revolution (the so-called draconic month) has important significance in the theory of solar and lunar eclipses. Since a Draconic Year is 346.6 days long. 7 Draconic Years equals 2422 days, half of which is 1211 days, or the time between "eclipse seasons". These two figures reappear regularly in the Hepton Cycle patterns we will explore on this website.
An eclipse season is one of only two periods during each year when eclipses can occur, due to variations in the angle of the moon in relation to the sun.. Each season lasts about 35 days and repeats just short of six months later, thus two full eclipse seasons always occur each year. That does not mean there are always eclipses during that time. Within a year that has eclipse, they often occur 177 days apart.
Again: Three types of years:
Solar Year: The time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun. 365.24 days
Lunar year: The time requires for 12 complete cycles of the moon. 354.3 days
Draconic Year: Time when the earth, moon and sun realign on an elliptic plane. 346.6 days
By extraordinary Cosmic arrangement, these years align with each other in varied and fairly precise arrangements, allowing for the science of eclipse prediction. This arrangement is most clearly visible in the Metonic Cycle.
Metonic cycle: a period of 19 years (235 lunar months), after which the new and full moons return to the same days of the year. For example, if you have a new moon on June 1st, then in 19 years you should usually have a new moon on June 1st too, with this date varying over the course of decades and centuries ( at some point it becomes June 2nd etc...) due to the slight offsets of calendar time and orbital reality.
Draco Metonic Alignment:
This is where it gets amazing. Remember that 19-year spot of the Metonic where:
19 Solar Years ( 19 x 365.242 days) is 6,939.60 days….and…
235 lunar months (235 x 29.53 days) is 6,939.68 days…well…it turns out:
255 Draconic months (255 x 27.212 days) is 6,939.11 days!
In the Metonic cycle (approximately 6,940 days)...the Solar, Lunar and Draconic years align. Basis of the ancient Greek calendar ( and modern Bahai faith) and is still used for calculating movable feasts such as Easter. Eclipses can then repeat on basically the same day of the year every 19 years, though over time the date moves forward. It's relevant to eclipse cosmic timekeeping. For example, the time frame we will be most concerned with begins with a solar eclipse on the Spring Equinox March 20th, 2015 and ends with a solar eclipse on the Spring Equinox on March 20th, 2034.
There is no scientific reason these different cosmic years should align, and it is generally dismissed as a "coincidence"
Saros Cycle:
Eclipses are most easily predicted through the Saros Cycle, which helps defines eclipses as individual personalities. Saros cycles are born as partial eclipses, mature into total eclipses, fade as partials and eventually die. They bear numbers for names, like 136 and 145.
A Saros Cycle is a period of exactly 223 lunar months, approximately 18 years and 11 days, used to predict eclipses.
It occurs due to the alignment of three other calendars. The lunar, draconic and anomalistic.
What is the Saros alignment:
A Saros Cycle is a period of exactly:
242 draconic months: 6585 days (6584.82)
223 lunar months: 6585 days (6585.19)
239 anomalistic months 6585 days (6585.45)
One Saros period after an eclipse, the Sun, Earth and Moon return to about the same relative geometry, a near straight line, and a nearly identical eclipse will occur, but at a different place on earth. A Saros Cycle is 19 eclipse years. There are about 40 Saros cycles currently occurring, about 26 of which are creating complete (total and annular ) solar eclipses. So we will meet about 26 personalities of various histories.
eclipses also happen to come in tribes, which we see in the little considered Hepton Cycle:
Hepton Cycle: Hepton means 7-sided. The Hepton Cycle is a pattern of 7 eclipses occurring within an almost 20 solar year period ( a 21 eclipse year period)- each eclipse occurring on the same day of the week ( the day of the week currently is Monday). It is a coordination of 41 lunar months and 7 eclipse years.
Hepton eclipses are spaced at 1211 day intervals.
1211 days is 7 eclipse seasons or 3 and 1/2 eclipse years.
An eclipse season is 173 days. An eclipse year is 346 days.
The Hepton forms time patterns of 7's. 7 eclipse seasons (3 and 1/2 years) and 7 eclipse years.The Hepton is not at work in all total solar eclipses, but about one fourth of them.
The 7 Hepton eclipses within the 21 eclipse year time frame form a nucleus of relation to other solar eclipses within the time frame. Hepton cycles overlap at beginning and end.The Hepton Cycle was first named by western science in the 1950's but was apparently known to Mayan astronomers.
Cosmic Timekeeping: The reflection of these Eclipse cycles in a consideration of history.
The co-ordination of the sun/moon alignment and the precise synchronicities of the eclipse cycles are almost certainly among the greatest proofs of an active God, who created a Cosmic Clock.
To discover about the Metonic and Draco-Metonic Cycles Click Here
To discover about the Saros Cycle Click Here
To learn more about the Hepton Cycle Click Here
Graph of a Saros "lifetime"from solar eclipse info.com
There are 40 to 41 different Saros Cycle Eclipses returning at any given moment in history. Each is different. Above, the various eclipses of a single Saros member)painted one at a time every 18 years on the face of earth. The individual eclipse keeps returning to different locations in that timely fashion for more than a thousand years. It begins its eclipse life as a partial eclipse, gradually becomes a Ring of fire eclipse, turns into a a hybrid, and eventually matures into a series of total solar eclipses. Finally it fades in the same fashion until the cycle eventually dies. It mimics life and follows the idea of maximum Expression. Due to the elliptical nature of the orbits of Earth and the Moon, the exact duration and number of eclipses in a complete Saros is not constant. A series may last 1226 to 1550 years and is comprised of 69 to 87 eclipses, of which about 40 to 60 are central (i.e., total, hybrid or annular)
Here is Saros 136 over the course of about 160 years. Because of orbital realities, the Saros changes where its landing occurs on earth every 18 years. . There's a shifting regularity to the pattern. This is what makes eclipse prediction possible. You will notice the Aug 2nd 2027 Mideast Judgment in the top center of this illustration, basically in the middle of earth, with the center of the line, the Maximum Eclipse, at the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt.
Within the forty to forty one ongoing Saros solar eclipses, a pattern emerges of some eclipses occurring exactly 7 eclipse years apart from each other. That is 2422 days. Within that pattern, eclipses are spaced 7 eclipse seasons (1211 days) apart as well. This is the Hepton Cycle Here
Above, the extraordinary interaction of Hepton eclipses- all occurring on Mondays- spaced either 1211 or 2422 days apart.
The Hepton Cycle has been so little considered that there does not appear to be a single image illustrating its properties on the internet outside of this website. . It is described briefly in a few scientific documents and was apparently known to Mayan Astronomers..The Hepton Cycle can be used for predicting series of solar eclipses with some 13 or 14 members which alternate in visibility between the northern and the southern hemisphere. The name was introduced by George van den Bergh (1951) and reflects its length of duration (i.e. seven eclipse seasons---3 and 1/2 years.). It is also 41 lunations long. Some members of a Hepton Cycle repeat on the same day of the week. This trait is visible in the Eclipse Judgments, where 7 significant eclipses spaced 1211 days apart all occur on a Monday, or Moon day, as of course, it refers to. it has been little considered likely because its leaves out many of the members of the various Saros. I will attempt to consider all the eclipse over a 22 year time frame, whether obviously related to the Hepton or not.
The USA divided in half on August 21, 2017. 7 months and 1 day after Trump inauguration. First day of the month of Elul, Hebrew year 5777. In Jewish tradition, the month of Elul is a time of repentance in preparation for the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
2422 days later, the USA is divided South to North, along with Mexico and extreme Eastern Canada. This occurs 8 days after Easter and 14 days before Passover.
Is it a cross or an X over the USA.?The X is The last letter of original Hebrew, Tav, the X is the Omega, the cancellation, the End point. X is the first Greek letter for Christ, the letter that can stand in for his name.
A "Ring of Fire"/ Sunflower annular eclipse passes over the western US on 10-14-23 before traveling to the Yucatan and crossing northern Brazil. 177 days before the spring total eclipse.
Total and Annular Solar Eclipses are rare. To have three completely trisecting the USA in 7 years is nothing short of incredible . One eclipse is past-the Great American Eclipse of Aug 21 2017, The next total solar eclipse in the USA arrives 2422 days later on April 8, 2024, It will be the only Total solar eclipse to touch all three nations in the 21st Century. The shadow paths of these two eclipses mark an X over America-centerpoint just south of Carbondale Illinois, specifically near Salem Road near east bank of
Cedar Lake.
The total eclipses occur 7 eclipse years (draconic years -346 days) apart, both on Monday --Moon Day. A span of 2422 days. They are part of a unique series of eclipse groupings called a Hepton.
The exact midpoint of the Total eclipses is 1211 days. That date turned out to be Dec.14, 2020...It so happens there was another total solar eclipse then on the other end of the Americas, also a Hepton Eclipse, also on Monday. It coincided with a momentous day in the USA
The precise midpoint of the 2017 and 2024 USA eclipses was Dec.14, 2020. On that day,, between 10am and 5pm Eastern time, the Electoral College certifies Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as President and Vice-President of the United States of America.
The Hepton Cycle in action. A significant Monday Total Solar eclipse perfectly spaced between two Total Solar Monday eclipses.
7 eclipse seasons--1211 days-- in either direction brings you to the USA Eclipse Judgments of 8-21- 2017 and 4-8-2024 (which themselves are exactly 7 eclipse years apart).
7 eclipse seasons is 3 and 1/2 eclipse years ...
34 months to the day before USA Ring of Fire.
5,000 miles away, Dec. 14, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse--same hemisphere, same time, at the other end....full eclipse occurred between 9:30 am and 1pm Eastern Standard Time. Very little of the eclipse path passed overland, yet maximum eclipse did occur on land, as it happened. over Argentina near the town of Neuquen (a palindrome). If followed north, Longitude of maximum eclipse intersects with eastern Maine. Eclipse crosses Atlantic and stops just west of Namibia.
The April 8 2024 Eclipse will be the only one to cross Mexico, USA and Canada in the 21st Century. It occurs 8 days after Easter on a Monday. Texas will get its second solar eclipse in 6 months.
Here is the cross/ Tav / X / Omega formed by the upcoming 10-14-23 Ring of Fire and the 4-8-24 Total solar eclipses, 177 days apart. They cross in Texas somewhere in the hill country. Exact point where paths cross has yet to be posted on the internet.
And here is the Tav formed by the 2017 and 2024 Total USA Solar Eclipses, their intersection south of Carbondale Illinois, at Salem Road on the East edge of Cedar Lake.
Once again, the shadows of the three eclipses which occur within a 7 year span clearly write the letter A upon the United States. It is Alef, Alpha,. Perhaps those who have wisdom will reckon these days.
Passing directly over the straits of Gibralter, Totality hugging the north Coast of Africa before diving down Egypt over the Nile and the Valley of the Kings--into Saudi Arabia--including totality in Mecca...exiting into gulf of Oman through Yemen. Jerusalem sees 83% coverage
The Spring Equinox Eclipse of 2034. From the Coast of South America across the Slave Coast of Africa to Egypt, scraping north edge of Medina as it crosses Arabia, onward through Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tibet and ending in China. Jerusalem will see 74% coverage of the sun.
Map from 1260d.com website. The epicenter of the Cross is just to the southeast of Luxor, the spiritual home of the Pharoahs. Almost directly on the Tropic of Cancer. The pattern, as in the USA eclipses is the cross, or the X---Tav in Hebrew, Christ in Greek.
To show the true rarity of total solar eclipses. A 20 year span. The 2017 USA eclipse X stands in similarity to the amazing X created by the Mideast eclipses (USA ring of Fire is not pictured). The symmetrical x's created by the USA and Mideast Judgment eclipses are unique, as visible here and also in historical review, as I will try and show in another page.
Maximum Expression of the enemy of God, nature and mankind. Expressed through the network that imitates and mocks the Creator as it asserts power over every soul, creates total deception and defiles our natures. That network clearly seeks to come inside us. Total technological subservience and a descent into unreality looms. God will not allow permanent and universal slavery.
"It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." --Jesus said in Luke 17:2...
Jesus said, “Leave the children alone, and do not forbid them to come to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14...
There is only so much evil God can tolerate.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness.
The beast system has arrived. Totalitarian, supremely invasive and demanding, cashless, merciless, hateful of believers and the innocent. The full flowering of the Opposition of God reveals itself. This is the sign of the time. There are not centuries left. This should be a relief. It should also be a call to repentance.
"a few more years of hard work, then a thousand years of happiness."--When the Levee Breaks--Bob Dylan
Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. --Rev 14:12
In this section, I quickly mention the eclipses we will focus on at 2014 to 2034 Up Close of the website.. Here is a list eclipses in a 22 year span ( which includes a 19 year bracket of Spring Equinox Eclipses)...but first we must mention, the famous Blood Moon Tetrad of Lunar Eclipses.
A phenomenal set of lunar eclipses which occurred on both high holy days of Judaism --Passover and Feast of Tabernacles--in both 2014 and 2015 should be taken into account. We attempt that on another page .
Between the tetrads occurred the first Solar Eclipse of our time table, the Spring Equinox eclipse of 2015
Beginning at The North Pole Eclipse on 3-20-2015 ,one of the least viewed eclipses in modern history ( it traveled almost entirely over uninhabited regions). Peaking at The Mideast/ Africa/ Central Asia eclipse of 3-20-2034-potentially what will be the most viewed Eclipse of all time--.Concluding with 7-13-2037 eclipse in Australia and New Zealand.
The Spring Equinox eclipses are separated by exactly 19 solar years. the larger time frame is 22 years.
Below is a Complete list of all Total Solar eclipses ( I do not consider partial eclipses) on planet earth in this Time Frame. Please go to to 2034 up 2014 close for more detailed information.
All 7 Hepton Cycle Monday Judgment Eclipses are starred and in bold. These eclipses are spaced in intervals of 1211 days, which is 7 eclipse seasons or 3 and 1/2 eclipse years.
3-20-2015 North Pole and vicinity
3-9-2016 Indonesia and Pacific Ocean ( 6th Wednesday Hepton)
*8-21-2017 USA Great American Eclipse Judgment One (Monday)
7-2-2019 Pacific Ocean, Chile, Argentina ( 7th and final Wednesday Hepton)
*12-14-2020 Chile, Argentina, Pacific and Atlantic(Monday)
12-4-2021 Antarctica
4-20 2023 Indian Ocean( path skirts between Australia and New Guinea)
*4-8-2024 USA Great American Eclipse Judgment Two(Monday)
8-12-2026 Spanish Judgment Eclipse
*8-2-2027 Mideast Judgment One(Monday)
7-22-2028 Australia Judgment Eclipse One---exactly 19 solar years after Wuhan Ring of Fire Eclipse (see below)
*11-25-2030 South Africa to Australia--Australian Tav(Monday)
11-14-2031--Open Ocean...Pacific ending at Panama
3-30-2033--Bering Strait Eclipse...Touches extreme Russia and Alaska
*3-20-2034 The Great Mideast Eclipse Judgment(Monday)
9-1-2035---China and Japan---including Beijing and Tokyo
? *7-13-2037 Last Hepton of the Series--Australia and New Zealand(Monday)
17 Total Eclipses in 22 years.
for important consideration *7-22-2009--
The Wuhan Eclipse, part of the Wednesday Hepton series of 1999 to 2019, which featured totality in the city of Wuhan, ( Path crossed China, India, Bhutan, Japan). Eclipse occurred exactly 11 eclipse years to the day before Dec.30 2019, the day China announced they were investigating a new illness in Wuhan ...we will consider the Wednesday series in the histories and peculiarities page.
Judgment Eclipses centered over important locations at important times, surrounding all possible 2,000th year Anniversaries of the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ.
Ring of Fire Eclipses occurs when the apparent diameter of the moon appears slightly smaller than the apparent diameter of the sun due to the orbital irregularity.
When the moon passes in front of the sun, the observer witness the "ring of fire", the annular eclipse. There are several of significance in this same time frame ( and one 6 years before).
Below is a complete list of all Annular Eclipses in the time frame of the Eclipse Judgments.
( at the end I include an unusual one outside the time frame)
There are 14 Annular Eclipses in 20 years.
Of these, I consider 7 to be Judgment Eclipses.
I will detail the starred judgment eclipses in a later section.
9-1-2016-Pacific Ocean ( almost no land)
2017-- Lower South America across Atlantic to Southwest Africa
*2019--Dec,26 2019 Tsunami path , on the 15th anniversary of the great tsunami of 2004, an annular eclipse follows the path backwards from Sri lanka to Sumatra
*June 21 2020--Summer Solstice ring of fire from Africa across lower Arabia, across India into China (Hunan) and Taiwan---exactly 11.5 eclipse years after Wuhan Eclipse of 7-22-2009
* June 10 2021 Canadian (path across the northern latitudes to Eastern Russia, beginning immediately at northern border of USA)
*October 14 2023 USA , Mexico, Canada-- the Great American Ring of Fire Eclipse
10-2-2024---South pacific, Chile, Argentina
*2-6-2027---Slave Coast Judgment--Pacific across Chile and Argentina, Coat of Uruguay across Atlantic , stopping at west coast of Africa--the Slave Coast...Nigeria, Ghana and Benin
*1-26-2028 Spanish Tav...Across Northern South America, dividing Spain, including Barcelona...occurs on Australia Day 177 days (1/2 lunar year) before 7-22-2028 total Great Australian Eclipse
*6-1-2030 Tripoli, Athens, Istanbul, Volgograd across Asia to Japan... Possible Anniversary of Crucifixion
5-21-2031 southern Africa, across south India to Indonesia
5-9-2032---Open Ocean/ Antarctica
3-9-2035---New Zealand/ Tasmania
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